Upcoming System Outage

The search functionality on the Pitt career sites, through join.pitt.edu, will be unavailable on Wednesday, March 5th, from 10 p.m. to midnight ET for a vendor initiated upgrade.

Find Positions at Pitt

Whether as staff, faculty, a temporary employee, or a student employee, you can find your fit at Pitt. All available positions at the University of Pittsburgh can be found in Talent Center, the University's online employment system. Select a position type below to get your career search started!

Need help with creating an account or applying to a position?

Find information on creating an account, searching and applying for positions, reviewing your applications, and more on the Talent Center for Applicants page.

Using assistive technology or need computer access?

Check out our Assistive Technology Guide for help with using Talent Center. If you need additional assistance with using Talent Center, or if you need disability or other accommodations, please call 412-624-7000, option 3, or submit an inquiry to the Office of Human Resources.

If you need access to a computer or assistance in submitting an application, the Office of Human Resources offers computer kiosks in the lobby of Craig Hall, located at 200 S. Craig Street, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


With you as a staff member at Pitt, you can become part of a long list of inspirational, hardworking individuals that are looking to make a difference in the lives of one another and the world. Search and apply for available staff positions.

Current employees searching for new Pitt opportunities should use the current employee portal (using single sign-on).


As a faculty member at Pitt, you can help shape the minds of the students and lifelong learners that are looking to make as big an impact as you. View and apply for available faculty positions.

Postdoctoral Associates

Completed your doctoral studies and interested in exploring opportunities to expand your skillset as a postdoctoral associate? Discover available postdoctoral associate positions.


Whether you're looking to get your foot in the door at Pitt or simply interested in short-term or supplemental experience, a temporary position could be the best place to start. Check out and apply for temporary positions.

Current Employees

If you are a current employee who is interested in advancing your career or perhaps just looking for a new work environment, you can view and apply for positions in a current employee portal using single sign-on. Discover and apply for available positions for current employees.


As a Pitt student, you can gain real-world work experience and learn what it's like to work at Pitt by becoming a student employee (the student employee portal utilizes single sign-on). Find and apply for student positions at Pitt.